BCG Scar Identification Training For Occupational Health Nurses
course information
This course is a half-day course. The participants will understand the importance of identifying BCG Scars and its application in the wider Public Health agenda.
aims and objectives
introduce the importance of correct identification measures when identifying BCG Scars.
to take a detailed history of BCG vaccination.
to identify BCG scars
to understand the reasons for correct identification
to be able to take a detailed history of BCG vaccination and scar history.
to be able to correctly identify BCG scars
to be able to differentiate BCG scars from Small Pox scars.
to understand the context and reasons for checking within your organisation
course contents
Roles and Responsibilities-Role of Occupational Health Nurses
Identifying Scars-Why?
Smallpox and BCG
History of BCG-Policies and Procedures
Other countries BCG Programmes
Mantoux and BCG
Scar History
How to take a history
How to identify
Case Studies and practical
who should attend?
Nurses and Occupational Health Staff