Privacy Policy
Data Protection
General Data Protection Regulations
The GDPR regulates the processing of personal data. Organisations like AB Health Group process personal data on a daily basis. The GDPR requires us to give information about our data processing activities and how we deal with the information that we hold.
Personal Data
Personal data is defined as any information relating to a living individual from which he or she can be identified (such as a person’s name, address or date of birth).
The personal data that we collect consists mainly of clients (including delegates) names, addresses and contact details and any other information necessary for us to be of service to our clients, including the necessary financial information required to provide our services.
Data Processing
Personal information is held on our database which is regularly backed-up. Data is held for a maximum period of 5 years, except where we are under a legal obligation to retain it for longer. We hold the minimum amount of data required to effectively provide our services. Hard copies of information on our database are occasionally made where necessary to provide our services, these are then shredded after use.
Access to our database is restricted through the use of passwords. Records may be retrieved, consulted, adapted, modified or copied from time to time. Records are reviewed periodically, and non-relevant records are deleted. We endeavour to ensure all reasonable steps are taken to keep all data accurate.
Data is shared between AB Health Group Staff as required.
If you would like to see any data we may hold on you, please contact us with a Subject Access Request, please see below for further information.
Third Parties
If we provide information to a third party (examples include providers of a product or service and external data processing agencies such as AB Health Group Consultants) we will exercise strict control over the third party, requiring it, and any of its agents to:
Maintain the security and confidentiality of the information and restrict access to those of its own employees;
Use the data for the agreed purpose only and prevent it being used for any other purpose by any other party;
In addition, we will restrict the information disclosed to the absolute minimum necessary.
Information may be disclosed to approved third parties for the purposes of marketing AB Health Group. If you would prefer not to receive marketing information please contact us.
We will maintain confidentiality of your information, and this information will not be disclosed to anyone outside of AB Health Group, or our Consultants unless we are legally compelled to do so, or where the disclosure is made with your consent or at your request.
Subject Access Request
If you would like to see any data we may hold on you, please contact us with a Subject Access Request, providing your full name, date of birth and both email, and home/business address and requesting your personally identifiable information. We will deal with this request within 1 month of receipt of request, unless there are extenuating circumstances.