cqc inspection training
course information
Our CQC Inspection Training covers the steps a Practice and its staff should take to prepare for a successful CQC inspection. It sets out what will be required by the CQC prior to the inspection and what will be expected from each member of staff on the day. This includes the requirements for the Practice’s Patient Participation Group and what the inspection team will expect to see about the PPG. It reviews all of the policies, protocols and guidelines the Practice should have in place and what HR and administrative files the inspection team will be looking for. The course also looks at important areas such as infection control, health and safety, emergency drugs and anaphylaxis and will focus on the importance of accurate record keeping and what this should look like. Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss their understanding of the CQC inspection and the myths surrounding it. The course will be fully interactive and all delegates will be encouraged to share best practice ideas with each other.
aims and objectives
Understand the steps to be taken prior to the CQC inspection
Understand the patient groups the inspection team will be concentrating on and why
Understand the information and documentation the Practice will have to send to the CQC team prior to their inspection
Describe the checks which should be carried out at the Practice prior to inspection day
Understand how the inspection day will look and who the inspection team will want to interview
Get an idea of the contents of the presentation from the Lead GP and Practice Manager that the inspection team will want to see at the start of the day
Fully understand the HR and administrative notes, files, policies and protocols the inspection team will be looking at and what the staff files should contain for both clinical and non-clinical staff
Fully understand the Health and Safety and Infection Control requirements the inspection team will be looking for
Understand what the GP, Practice Manager, Practice Nurse, Reception Team, Patients and Patient Participation Group members requirements will be on the day of the inspection
Fully understand what the inspection team will be looking for regarding emergency drugs, oxygen supplies, resuscitation equipment, clinical fridges and their contents, basic life support and anaphylaxis
Understand what will happen at the end of the day and what the next steps will be
course contents
Myth busting!
Requirements from the Surgery prior to the inspection
Roles and responsibilities of each team member
What will be required on the day
Who the inspection team will be speaking to
Practice presentation
HR requirements and staff file contents
Health and safety and infection control requirements
Legionella testing
Emergency drugs, anaphylaxis, oxygen, defibrillator
Basic life support
Clinical fridges and cold storage of vaccines
File management
CQC policies and protocols needed by the Practice
Recording meetings and different meeting types
Confidentiality and security requirements
Smartcard requirements
Patient Participation Group
Safeguarding adults and children
Chaperone policy
Repeat prescriptions and electronic prescription service
Prescription and back up tape security
Medicines management
Business continuity
Disposal of clinical waste and injections
Posters and notices to be displayed and where
Fire safety and fire drills
Patient safety
Needle stick injuries and accident recording
Significant events and recording
Complaints and how they are handled
Care planning and documentation
Staff training recording and certificates
PSD’s and PGD’s
Emergency/urgent appointments
What happens at the end of the day
The inspection report
Your responsibilities
who should attend?
Practice Managers
Practice Nurses