TB, Mantoux & BCG Immunisations
course information
This course covers the vaccine-preventable disease of Tuberculosis, from screening and testing to the symptoms and treatment; within the current regulatory and legal framework. The course is hands-on and practical and each participant receives a certificate after successfully completing the course.
aims and objectives
Be able to provide accurate and up to date information about diseases and vaccines
Provide a safe, effective and high standard of care
course contents
The aims of TB immunisation: national policy and schedules
Vaccine-preventable diseases
Screening and testing
The latent TB infection
The active TB disease
Signs and symptoms
Immunisation epidemiology: current issues and controversies
TB Vaccination and composition
The legal aspects of vaccination
Prescribing vaccines
Storage and handling of vaccines
Correct administration of vaccines
Record-keeping and reporting
Ref: National Minimum Standards for Immunisation Training, Health Protection Agency, June 2005
who should attend?